Mittwoch, 14. Oktober 2015

Autumn is time for handicrafts - Naalbinding

Last year I finally learned how to do Naalbinding/Needlebinding - an old scandinavian handicraft.
I wanted to learn this for a few years now since I'm really interested in the viking age and everything related to it.
My friend Lena had this lovely needle made for me at one of the markets we visited last year. Our friend Harald der Knoppmecher made it from a piece of pear-wood :) I optained a second needle from him earlier this year. Smaller and with a lovely structure!

The first project I made to learn how to do it was a pair of pulse warmers~ then I tried a hat which turned out waaay to big. The second hat I made was for our friends 1,5yrs old babygirl and fitted just perfect. Her mum told me she's loving the soft hat made from green fluffy wool [heart] 
Sadly I forgot to take a picture of it x_x Here's some of the giant ball of wool and midst production ;)

Still got a lot from that wool, also blue colored~ :D

I made an Alpaca loop-scarf for my mum (last years yule present) and am currently working on more pulsewarmers for me (yes I like those). Next project: Socks :)

Loop scarf for my mum

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