Sonntag, 21. Dezember 2014

Candy Day Magical Christmas

This year's Candy Day Christmas-Teaparty took place in a new venue.
The past events where held at the Iimori Pâtisserie Restaurant in Frankfurt but this year we gathered at the Abbey in nerby Seligenstadt.

The event started with a guided tour through the beautiful abbey. Sadly the lighting was not that good and since we were not allowed to take pictures with flashlight I'm not able to show you the full beauty of the place~

 I definetly will come back to the in spring/summer to visit the beautiful gardens of the abbey! 

After the tour we went to the winter dining-room. A lovely buffet with delicious sandwiches and snacks and tasty cakes was provided. Coffee and tea was inclusive~ I enjoyed a Latte Macciato and lovely herb teas, freshly brewed from whole dried leafes and blossoms! 
Those are the best [heart] 

We also had a special guest! The lovely Chokelate 

I got a bunch of sweet presents from my homies and my secret santa and also won a Photoshooting with the talented Christian Rösch and his lovely girlfriend at the raffle! Now I'm brainstorming about theme and location for the sooting :)

I had no Winter/Christmas themed outfit~ because I do what I want :P

 Have a great Yule everyone!

Mittwoch, 15. Oktober 2014

Trolling the Bookfair

October is bookfair time in Frankfurt!
The Frankfurt Bookfair has a  big hall for Cosplayers, the Cosplay Corner, where the DCM (German Cosplay Championship) is held. There are lots of merch boths, workshops and events held in the CC on bookfair Saturday and Sunday. You can also find merch boths and Comic/Manga stuff in hall 3.0 alongside Fantasy and Children books~ so those are my favourite places to go ;)

We had the lovely Ilka from Kiomi MakeUp at our both from myCostumes again and she did such a great Troll-MakeUp on me! I love it!

This years guest of honor was Finland and I had to check out their exhibition hall.
Sadly I have to say that it was quite disappointing :/ 
But since Icelands presentation two years ago my expectations have been very high.

Nonetheless I enjoyed the Finland hall!
Lot's of books to take a look at, a childrens corner with Finish cartoons and freaky stuffed animals and the "Suomi Café"! I enjoyed a tasty Lihariisipiirakka there :)
Loved to eat these when I was in Helsinki in February this year~ nom ♥ 

We also went to the international book hall and spend a lot of time at all the Scandinavian boths. We got a bottle of Icelandic water and found a lot of cool books at the Swedish both :D It's cool how much I am able to understand in the Swedish books. Maybe I should continue my Swedish classes? o.o

At the booth of Karfunkel (a medieval magazine) we bought 4 magazines. I just wanted to rebuy the Special about Vikings because it is really good and my old one went missing 2 years ago but the we also bought 3 just about cooking... XD *cough*

Montag, 29. September 2014

Alestorm and "the tiny village near Darmstad" + Autumn Market Ronneburg

On Saturday my lovely boss, her husband, my hun and me went to see Alestorm and support at the Steinbruch Theater. Only the day before we learned that it might be the last concert at the Steinbruch... wich meant that the Finntroll concert there on Wednesday will be cancelled :(
I have to admit it was the first time for me to visit the Steinbruch even though I got invited from friends so many times~

The tiny club was sold out that evening and crowded to the roof!
Due to work we sadly missed Troldhaugen and Crimson Shadows but Brainstorm and Alestorm were awesome! During Alestorm the venue got so packed and warm that we had to go outside to breathe~ x__x

The next day the four of us visited the annual medieval autumn market "In honor of the holy grail" at Ronneburg. It takes place every year around the end of September and the beginning of October.
I really love the autumn market! It is always blessed with lot's of traders and visitors, great food, lovely wares, battles and music.

The 1 on 1 battles were as spectacular as always and the cutest thing for sure was a tiny vikng (about 2-3 years old) with a wooden axe laughing the whole time! The tiny warrior was allowed to strike a few hits against 2 of the warriors. So cute!

Surely we bought a few treasures!
New leather pouch, handbraided linen-braid for my hun's new tunic, bronze beads and a kläppar häst.

Donnerstag, 18. September 2014

Hayner Burgfest "Wildbann"

I finally went to the Hayner Burgfest again this year and it was lovely as always. We had such a nice weather! The sun was shining but it was not too hot. 

The main theme of this years event was hunting. Horus Falkenrei presented us their lovely birds of prey and Irish Wolfhounds adn also the art of hunting with the birds from horseback :) Lovely! The falconry was accompanied by an animal phorographer and a few of his trained animals. For a small donation people could get pictures with the animals. I'm  bid sad I didn't have enough money to take pictures with more of them but I was so in love with that baby skunk! I was allowed to play with it and cuddle it for while and it was such a cutie! My friend Christina took pictures with two of the birds :)

We also met some friends and I shared bit's of my flamed salmon with Abby, a friends pretty husky :D
It was such a lovely day! I need to take more pictures of such days~ yes I do!

I also bought a bit of treasury ;)

Donnerstag, 11. September 2014

Don't open~ dead inside!

On Saturday August 30th 2014 the dead walked the earth... again!
It was the 8th Zombiewalk in Frankfurt that we organized and although I didn't have much time to do much this year. I'm really glad that my co-organiziers put so much effort in it (and still do!). 

We had a little Zombie special at the store the whole week and were sold out on Fakeblood on Saturday ^^; I got my Saturday temp all zombiefied~

The walk itself was great as always. I never can keep count on how many Zombies actually have been there but I guess the horde was as big as the last years. The police was as kind as ever and drove with us on motorbikes to temporary close roads and so on. We never had any problems with them and the policemen always acted cool and with lots of humour! But that also goes to our well behaved Zombies I guess ;) Yes~ there always are a few people that dance out of line but all in all our Zombies behave.

Thank you guys and see you next year!

Dienstag, 5. August 2014

Dust in the Wind - or Wacken 2014

We started off to the holy land of metal and mud on Wednesday early morning 4:30am.
My coworker Ellen was the captain of our vehicle and since she didn't sleep very much we had to take a little break for powernapping. After a long journey -with a little unexpected sightseeing tour- we arrived at Wacken. Our lovely boss and her husband were already there and saved some space for us :) The security was really kind and led us to the destined place.
One of our campneighbors, Fleck, helped us to build up our tent and after everything was set we walked to the festival site to get our wristbands and the Full Metal Bags.

The queue was long and it took us about 15min to get to the counter~ right after we walked to the merch queue to getsome shirts... additional 30mins ^^;

Now it was time to check everything out.
We took a stroll aaaaaaaaall over the festival site. It was so hot and dry and the wind was rather harsh at some points and blew lots of dust and dirt in our faces. We spend the evening with food and drinks at our fav place in the Wackinger Village whilst listening to Dunkelschön (which haven't been that good ... *cough*), Vogelfrey and Faun.

On Thorsday we all took breakfast together and went to the Wackinger Village for Mr Hurley und die Pulveraffen! I bought a shirt and the Grog n Roll CD :) Next came Saor Patrol~ I so love their scottish accents!... even if I didn't understand everything XD
Afterwards we went to the main stages to see Bülent Ceylan, a German comedian that loves metal and has pretty hair. We had lots of fun :)

Then we struggled through the masses to get to one of the other main stages for Hammerfall!
Hammerfall was soooo awesome! They played so many of the old songs which made us really happy~ And they were loud! We stod on the right side in the front and the ground was rumbling like there was an earthquake :P ♥ 
When the others went to see Steel Panther my hun and I went back to the camp, had some food and a cozy afternoon.

Friday we went down to the main stages early to see Russkaja. I really love those guys~ it's always a lot of fun! Next we saw Knorkator, also a very funny band from Germany ... they are so crazy. After Knorkator was over we want back to our camp and made a BBQ all together :)

On our way back to the main stages we came across some funny Dutch people: Blaas of Glory
They were so awesome and we had lot's of fun. They just finished in time for us to go to Apocalyptica (with orchestra). I was really looking forward to that but I have to say that it was quite dissapointing :/ Maybe we were to far away but the sound was crappy and idk... it was not what I was hoping for.

Later in the Wackinger Village Omnia was really great! We also took a little shopping trip on the medieval booths and found some lovely bling :)

The glass beads are from Hagediesenhain

We met my lovely sec.cousin Katha and her friend Julia on the way to Megabosh.
I first saw Megabosh last year at Wacken and liked them right from the start. They are just great! The show this year was a blast again~ with pretty girls and boys and a lot of naked skin and fire (I like fire) ♥ 

Saturday was the last day of the festival. We slept long, had a shower and had a nice time all together at our camp. With BBQ, games and drinks and my hun playing the guitar :D
Around 6pm we got down to the main stages for Amon Amarth! ♥
The show was fantastic and sooo crowded! People stood all the way up to the Wackinger Village and even further D: We were at a nice spot in front of the sound tower. It was so great! Johann Hegg was grinning all the time and seemed so happy to see so many people~ it was so much fun to be there. 

After Amon Amarth we went to see JBO (and again a funny German band which I grew up with) and then as always off to Wackinger Village (yes we like it there!) to see Firkin.

We really were kind of dead that evening and whilst the others went to see Van Canto my hun and I strove back to the camp... Actually we wanted to see Schandmaul, the last gig of Wacken 2014 and a great great GREAT band but we just were so damn tired and since Schandmaul will be near my place soon we decided to skip that and go to our tent.

On Sunday morning we awake to the sound of our camp neighborst destroing their pavilion ^^;
We packed all our stuff, snatched some energy drinks and started the long journey back home...

Thank you!
See you next year Wacken!

Wanna read about 2013?

Donnerstag, 15. Mai 2014

Operation woodtroll

Trolling around again? Hell yes!

My hun and I decided to visit this years Role Play Convention as some fancy green Woodtrolls. 
It was the first RPC for both of us and we were pretty excited (I wanted to visit the RPC for a few years now but oh well...)! MyCostumes got a vending booth there as always and since I have to work in our store on Saturdays my hun and I took the Sunday to visit the RPC.
The lovely Ilka from Kiomi MakeUp (wich we sell in our store) was part of our booth there and was doing professional MakeUp's live at the booth. So she did the makeUp for my hun and me :)

We walked around as walking acts then for myCostumes and Kiomi, met some old and new friends and had lot's of fun.

The booth of Defcon Unlimited was amazing! They had a small presentation booth to show some of their costumes and a show reel of what they do and also were involved in the big Assassins Tavern that was build there to promote Assassins Creed! They had little stuntshows in the Tavern and a big one at the big stage :D I so love their stuntshows! Also had a lovely talk with Lightning Cosplay wich is now part of Defcon Unlimited. She's such a pretty, talanted, lovely and kind girl! Go like her page and give her some love!

I also loved the camp of the Wasteland Warriors and Megabosh :)
Discovered them first at Wacken last year. The camp there was so much cooler and authentic with all the dirt and mud of the festival side but they always are a feast to the eyes and ears! Pretty girls and boys, awesome modded cars and bikes and the crazy songs of Megabosh when they got to play a few songs. Awesome! I heard they will be at Wacken this year too and I'm already really excited. Also got a cool poster at the show at the RPC.

The Role Play Convention provides (as they name already tells us) lot's of booth's to roleplaying "games" of any kind. LARPing, Pen&Paper, Tabletop, MMO's, RPG's and everything that goes with it. So there were vending booth's were you could buy dices. Just dices in aaaaaany kind and color you could think of D:
Also clothing, LARP weapons, games, merch, medieval stuff, Nerf guns and so on and so on...
Outside of the fair halls was a lovely medieval marked with booths and stages, many bands played there. Just have a look at the programm and you will understand!

Also here is a stunning documentary made by a friend :) Sadly it's only German atm~

Donnerstag, 8. Mai 2014

He just want's to play

The Horror Circus was visiting Frankfurt again~ and since the Zombiewalk worked together with the Horror Circus team and made some advertising and a little competition we got invited to the premiere show.

At first it might look like any other small traveling circus but instead of ponies and clowns we were greeted from Zombies and other monsters that didn't mind to use every chance to scare the audience a little ;) After making our way in through a labyrinth of monsters we bought some delicious popcorn and went inside (there waited even more monsters)!

The show started with a creepy clown that looked like he jumped out of a Steven King novel and a tiny child on a swing...

Acrobats, jugglers, a high-wire performer, knife throwers, contortionists and much much more. My personal higlights were the Freakshows of Crazy White Sean and the undaunted guys with their bikes! Three guys on bikes driving in a cage~ it was breathtaking! 

If the Horror Circus is in your city and you have the nerves to go there~ DO IT! You won't regret it and it's worth every penny. If you brave enough take a seat in the front row ;)

Photos by Evilbunny
Go and check out her work! She's amazing

RIP Crazy White Sean
Thank you for giving me the pleasure to meet you in person!

Donnerstag, 24. April 2014

A little journey to the north

Last weekend my grandma, my hun and myself drove all the way to Eckernförde (616km) to visit my mom over the easter holidays~  

We started off early on Friday morning and arrived a bit tired in the afternoon~ after a few tiny traffic jams and 2 short breaks. My mom cooked dinner for us and after long talks and much food my hun and I drove to our holiday flat just a few minutes from  my mom's. It was a really cozy room with a double bed, TV, tiny kitchen counter and a big enough bathroom.

I forced my hun to watch Disney Movies with me that evening XD

On Saturday my hun and I went to Haithabu (Hedeby) for the Spring market :)
Hedeby was a big and importand trading city in the viking era and now there's a lovely museum as well as rebuilt houses and scenery. There are lot's of events during the year and two lovely trading markets. One around easter and one in Summer.  If you ever are in the area around Kiel/Hamburg and you love vikings~ you definetly have to pay the Hedeby a visit! You won't regret it :D

We spent quite some time in the museum itself at first and then went to the houses. We sat on the docs there in the sun, had some lovely chat's with vendors and bought some loot :)

That pretty woolen braid was so cheap I didn't even dare to haggle! And it's soooo pretty!!! I think it will fit perfectly on my new woolen  dress for winter. I might show you a picture of the fabric and the braid together when I post about my new apron dress and the gaments I made for my hun :)
 We also bought this little viking ship cookie cutter at the museums shop :D 

On Sunday mom wanted to show us Eckernförde a bit~ and after a stroll through the harbor my hun and I went to the Ostsee Info-Center whilst grandma, my mom and her husband waited outside~ so we were a bit pressed for time inside. We got to pet fish! I mean real living fish and crabs and starfish :) The sea biologist there told us a ot about the animals and explained to us that the three kinds of flatfish provided in the tank have  different strukture of scale. For example: the Plaice had really soft scales and the Flounder were rough like sandpaper :D There also were Turbot in the tank, they looked and felt like sand but not as rough as the Flounder.

One Flounder definetly thought he/she was a dolphin! It swam huge circles at the surface all the time and came to us and put it's head out of the water and wanted to be pet!

I tried to pick up a crab more than once but they were all like "uuh~ don't touch me muchaho or I'll snap your friggin fingers off!!!" and I was like "umm ok nevermind" |D
We also participated at a little egghunt event in the center and each got a little bag of those precious handmade candy from town :3

On Monday we we're already driving home again... sadly our travel was loaded with traffic jams and we took nearly 10 f***ing hours home Q___Q